
comic version of L..

black n white hair..

can u imagine mickey mouse on ge tai..??

stairs of vivo cinema
went to watch "L" on fri...erm..not as good as i expected..maybe becos the story is mainly on virus??? think so ba..but it was quite funny anyway..watched at VIVO..omg..watch till 12+..waste my cab fare..nearly $30...!!!! think my weekend is very boring n lifeless as i'm too tire to go anywhere..everyday sleep at around 4 or 5..juz to play my psp..wth...went to sembawang temple to find my mum ytd..can u imagine sitting in a bus that is fully filled with ppl..n is stoping EVERY single bus stop..n those stupid ppl keep on forcing themself to board the bus although is full...??? these stupid ppl cause the bus to stop at the bus stop for sooooo long as the door can't be closed..actually the bus trip is about 30 mins..but ended up 1 hour+ than i reach..lol...went ther to see the stupid ge tai..lol...after that still need to walk all the way out to take taxi as i told my mum i really can't stand squeezing bus with ppl anymore...i wan to learn car...!!!! TWL....!!!!
松山ケンイチ Matsuyama Kenichi
ღ放心把心打开 我和你的未来

simply simply love this cover
sat went to beach road ther find yuan n her frenz..zihui n martina..there went to china town's K BOX..omg..can u imagine???we 4 sing from 9+ till 4AM...!!!! wei ling n wendy came at around 1+..total $180++..each person pay abt $30+...saw adeline at ther..omg..guess wat she say...??? she say i FA FU....!!!! sob...went yuan house after tat...the taxi driver like driving initial d like tat..omg..drive so fast...anyhow turn at high speed..saw uncle simon at jurong point on mon...he said...i PUT ON WEIGHT le...OMG....!!!!!!!!!! help...!!!!!!!! whoever saw me will say i FAT...hummpppp.........any slimming plan can intro???

*flower that dear gave*

*me n dear at PS*

*valentine's present from dear*

*pizza hut*

*the lover's pizza*

*bored at work*

*yuan on screen.ha ha*

*happy RAT year*

*dear n me on CNY*


*CNY top hit movies*

*bugs from des.thanks.一路顺风.tc*

*my eyes*

*my poor broken nails*

*does the hawker looks like feeding pig???*


*our couple slipper*

*CRIME WATCH.wondering y i put tis pic? look carefully.ha*
finally found myself some time to update..it was a boring new year btw..finally get to meet out with kai xin,yuan,ping man n kai lin for steamboat..the steamboat is sucks ok..catching up alot with kai xin as i think the last time we meet was like 2 years ago..??? ha..have been working the past whole week at beach road..ytd valentine's day went to PS with dear to watch "KUNGFU DUNK"...watched all the three top hit of cny movies...still find that CJ 7 is the best..the story line is quite nice..erm..totally no comment for ah long pte ltd..my ITE apply didn't get through..wth..hai..expected..btw..HAPPY BIRTHDAY to FEB babys..yang jun ( 5 feb) , n yuan (12 feb)...i'm really putting on weight..thanks huh kai xin..say i fatter..!!! think i really need to go diet le..felt so sad when i came to know tat edison n ah jiao's photo are real..juz hoping tat those photos are fake when the news juz came out..but recently edison admit..followed by ah jiao admit..hai..gone case..means those photos are REAL..!! omg..everyone has past...hopefully this thing won't affect cecilia n xie ting feng..MISSSSS jennifur....!!!! long time no see her...ha..
也许遗憾 但也只能够接受ღ


dEAR n mE




loOk like zOo...???

my plaStic bag

iRa's nail
sat ira came my house to do nails...help her put on fake one..n paint it in French style which i'm not good at..put alot of small silver balls..n some diamond...hope she take good care of it.. she so good..help me steal my punch card back for me..tat idiot aunty..dun give me my pay..humpp....
ytd went out with dear to TERMINAL 3..went there the first impression is like...omg..i'm in hk..?? lol..the departure hall really looks like hk one..so class..n is really nice..a big food court n NTUC..lol..
have been packing my room for the whole day..juz than i realize i got SO SO much rubbish...!!! omg..clean out all things..i realize i got 7 bags of plastic/paper bag...dunno wher should i keep..throw away so wasted..n my bears..my mother say come in my room like come into zoo..??? 3 more days to new year..so fast..hope time slow down..
ღ 爱没有后悔的理由 告诉我你会永远跟着我
再不让梦有醒来的时候 ღ