Monday, March 24, 2008 at 2:40 PM

*the hotel tat i stay
(photo taken on ferry)

hO..i'm back...hahah...

went to TIOMAN on WED...
took the coach at golden mile there 6.30am...
reached MERSING at around 10.45am like tat...
(the person bluff us from sin to mer only 2h30min)
book the ferry at there...12 noon de...
reached tioman de TEKEK VILLAGE at around 2.30pm...
(the person bluff us say 1h30mins)
finally reached there..still meed to take a shuttle bus in..
about 5-10 mins we reahed the
reg n check in at there..then...
we took a bus shuttle to our room (TIOMAN SUITE)...
which is about 15km away(the person there said)..
they give us a room RIGHT at the CORNER END..
wth..lift night no light
for the corridoor n stairs...!!!
scary loh..imagine night time walk a place
surround with trees..than stairs n corridoor
no light..than need walk till very end...
but the room very living room,bedroom,
kitchen, a normal hse like tat..
the view from the balcony is really best..facing sea..
omg..the scenery is really great...

every 30 mins got shuttle bus to the resort..
but NO bus to the village...LAME...!!!!!
the resort there all high class restaurant..
wan eat normal food or wan buy things mus
go all the way to village there...
the person there say if wan go...
can either walk until siao..or rent bicycle..
one hour RM 15 loh..ex right...
bo bian we rent...we cycle until siao loh...
got very high slope somemore...
very pathetic loh..imagine we cannot cycle up..
we need to push the bicycle all the way up loh...
than their animal is like everywhere also got loh..
anyhow walk around monkey....
chicken...things like lizard but is like 10 times bigger..
HORRIBLE...!!! worst is reach there can't find
normal food..all is wat tom yum restaurant...
whatever...can't even find a stall selling normal
rice or noodle...ended up we buy alot instant
noodle back to hotel n
n the island there only sell MAGGI brand...fcuk...!!!

went walking along the beach the second day...
my eye kanna infection..right eye super red....
cannot open..keep dropping tears..horrible...
the beach is really very quite clean..
(compare to the Vietnam beach i went before lah)
although the sun is hot..but while walking
along the won't feel hot at all...
the wind + the sun = FANTASTIC ...
really very comfortable walking inside the sea..
n on their really great to play those
sea activities at there...but i neva play...sob..
quite wasted lah actually...
the resort provide alot of activities...

*the sea activities list..

me n dear dun dare to swim inside the sea..
so we swim at our resort there de swimming pool..
he said wan sun the end...
he neva tent dao..i juz swim around n lie there
for about 30mins..n..i got BURNT...!!!
wtf...seriously de pain loh...can't even sleep properly..

left on fri morning..the service there very good...
their first bus is 7.15am...but our ferry is 7.30am..
so they sent bus to pick us up at 6.45am...
their service is really very very good...
all the ppl on the whole island is super friendly loh..
stay there for 3 days neva encounter any rude ppl..
the terrible part ferry supposed to be 7.30am..
the ferry came at 8.30am loh...!!! fcuk the person loh...
than..nvm...board the ferry...they dragged until 9.00am than
start to go loh..stupid loh..wasted time for nothing...
in the end we reached back mersing at 11.30am loh..

*waiting at golden mile tower there

*our room

*the balcony

*the sunset
(taken on the slope where
we push our bicycle up)

*they're seriously so loving...
their movement is almost the same..

*the beautiful beach

*the stupid 'xue jia' tat dear bought..
(from duty free RM 18)

*the main resort

*3 S -sUn, sAnD n..SEA..!!

*our leg in the wonderful sand


*the heaven

*the word that i owned you..

*look at the colour of the sea..
(got 3 four colour)
seriously de beautiful loh..

*our name..hehe

*the sunset
(taken from my room's balcony)

(taken at the ferry jetty)

*all these taken on ferry

*didn't take much pics of myself due to my eye infection..
this pic is slightly better de..
the worst one too scary le..dun dare

took the 12.30 noon bus to KL...
this stupid idiot bus..super SLOW...
go here go there...reach KL already 7+pm loh...
(actually we was told tat going there takes 6 hours)
reached there raining somemore..sick...
went to book ticket to come back..sunday morning de all full..
so we only can book sat midnight de..

we stay at HOTEL MIDAH....
the outlook not bad..quite high
the room very window view also..
walking to the Monorail Station (Maharajarela)
is like within 5 mins...super near...
take train to bukit bintang the whole
journey is 15mins only..include walking
from the hotel till take train till reach..
quite near chinatown also..
but need to know hoe to walk lah..if not will get lost..
shop for the whole afternoon at bukit bintang area... we went to secret recipe eat..
omg..their SR is super cheap loh..
we order two main course,cheese cake,
large fries,two drinks...only RM 56...

the things in sungei wang shopping centre is really
cheap a few shop is the whole shop inside de
cloths all RM 15..pants...skirts..shirts..dress...
i bought a 3/4 fading white jeans..RM 15 only loh..
i love shopping at there..but too bad not enough time..
we didn't shop enough...i wan go again....!!!!!

went to chinatown..and dear bought a bouquet of
blue rose for me (for anniversary)..!!!
so sweet..hahahha...thanks dear...*muack*..
seriously like it...really enjoy this trip with you...
hope you enjoy too...thanks for taking your precious off
to accompany me for a holiday to celebrate our
anniversary...really appreciated..("v")

*dear with his latte at secret recipe

*grilled black pepper chicken with rice
(their rice super nice)

*see how burnt i'm..
(this pic is taken 3 days
after sun tent, still so red)

*isn't it sweet...?
(of cos i mean the flower)

*its the biggest bouquet of flower
i ever recieved...

*i love these pair of wings..nice right..
(fake de RM 25)

*dear de tribe...
(RM 25)
*this one looks really fake loh..
n is fading super fast..
(RM 10)

*while waiting bus at PUDURAYA bus terminal


Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 12:09 PM

man made flowers on SGH..


went to ITE amk with ira on WED to interview for DMD...
WASTE MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
know what the interview is about...???
they give test paper with 4 section....

1st section: 6 boxs...
(1st box) Draw a person walking towards his car
in a parking lot.
(2nd box) Draw a person opening the car door.
(3rd box) Draw a person start the car engine.
(4th box) Draw a person putting on safety belt.
(5th box) Draw the car moving out from car park lot,
(Last box) Draw the car suddenly brake.

2nd section: Draw a picture which includes;
house,a car,a gauge, tree,road.

3rd section: Draw a hand holding something.

4th section: answering stupid question ;
example ; what do u see urself in 5 years time....!!!

n the most lame part is she say got 40 ppl interview..
only 8 will get in....!!!! wtf right...
i can't even draw a cat n
they asked me to draw so much shit...!!!
DMD loh...Digital Media Design (video effect) loh...
DIGITAL loh....!!! dunno how to draw than
cannot learn lah...fcuk the sch loh...

after that, me n ira went to amk hub walk walk..
heavy heavy heavy rain...!!!!
IRA....!!!! i know u'll shout me..but i mus say...
ur jacket is really very SMELLY..!!!! =x
ira go extend her hair $400...!!!!

finally go back my woodland house on THURS...
went out with mummy to marine parade...
well....home sweet home...

went to SGH find kor on FRI...
he went to take out the plastic in his nose...
sit their stupid shuttle bus to MRT...
went to chinatown OG ther de hawker eat..
i order "chao guo tiao",
the person give me "hokkian mee".
went to VIVO after that...walk walk around...
than it 188 back home with kor...

the travel agency i book for my trip is really horrible..
is at people's park basement..
i went to book my trip on last week n
they collect deposit for my hotel,coach n ferry..
she told me the coach n ferry booked already..
left the hotel need confirmation..
mon they called me say hotel fully booked...
i went online to book loh...
than nvm...tues she called again..
guess she say what...she say book bu dao ferry..
very lame right..told me she booked le..
now say book bu dao...than she say call me on wed
to tell me about the she called me...
she say got coach..$35 each..ONE WAY only loh!!!
dunno wtf they doing loh..everything also dun have
still dare charge so much for a stupid coach...
juz one way to mersing loh..2 n a half hour loh..
for this price think go until KL
sit super high class bus also can loh..
but at least the girl service attitude is good..
the travel agency is called APPLE HOLIDAY..

ღ如果说两个人在一起 比一个人孤寂 爱会不会过期ღ

Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 12:41 AM

my small furniture..cute hor..

small bed...

small chair..

a gift for my kor...

our reg card...

have serious n big pro with my mother...
which seriously affected my life...

finally got in ITE..but have to go for interview first..
kor recovered back from hospital...
finally reg for my car license...
got my hair reboned...
got back my IC....

tues :- went to take my IC at outram park there...
guessed what??? i saw YAN happy...
he was petrolling around...those police are so cute...
they actually give me a guy's wallet with NS pass...??? back my whole wallet..everything inside except money..
got back my THIS FASHION card n realised my card expired
is OCT 2008 !!!! tat idiot bitch..bluff me my card expired already..
n ask me make a new one...fcuk loh...cheat ppl money right..
went to SGH to visit my kor after that...he juz went through a
nose operation...suffering serious pain all the way..till now..

thurs :- early in the morning went to BBDC with gu gu...
heavy rain..toopid rain...waited for so long n we finally got to reg..!!!
after i meet wei ling..n we went to BB polyclinic...
for a health blood test..haha...we waited from 2+ till 4+
when the clinic the result..HEALTHY ...hahaha...
then we went to jurong..for my hair rebonding...

today :- went out with wei ling to IMM...we can actually shop inside
DAISO for 1 hour +...hahaha...she bought 8 items...8 items
ALL PINK...!!!! =x meet my father n have dinner together..

will not be back to my woodland home for a time being ba...
juz hope things won't get worse...
is money really more important than kinship..??

做再多 不珍惜 也

Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 9:29 PM






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