the ticket n bus very nice right...
(707-the company)

he trying to act cute

my laopo..("v")

dear n brian..

he think he's ah beng loh...

see how heavy the haze was..
think the ppl up there muz be 

isn't it nice..
(all these pic are taken inside
the stupid worm tat this
stupid brian force me n dear
to bring him sit...)

n this is the STUPID worm that
keep us waiting for more than half
an hour...n it walk round the whole
theme park SO SLOWLY till i feel
like jumping out of it...

he was complaining...
faster car wan to go le...

n after i took this pic..the car
still haven go loh..

see my dear so cute...

actually he was not tall enough..
my mother was at the back carrying him..
this cable car is so horrible loh...
we were so unlucky tat
the moment our cable car came out..
the rain got bigger n bigger...
till we can't see anything...
n..guess what...
it STOP in the mid of no where...!!!
high in the sky n we can't see anything..
so scary loh...after like one min than
it started moving again..
see how DARK i'm...

laopo's n my birthday bear..
cute not...
i wan to BLACKLIST this
OLYMPIC hotel.. !!!!
the room is so old...the
bathroom is so dirty n rusty..
n the breakfast is HORRIBLE..!!!!
n..the place is totally inconvenient
to go anywhere..! n we have
to wait more than
ten mins for a cab...totally sucks...

my beautiful dear
n beautiful purple roses..

STRONGLY recommend....!!!!
BERJAYA TIMES SQUAREits located beside Imbi station..

the inner look...

there's this horrible shop called
i-SOCKS..SO many outlets there loh..
sell all those 'JAP' things..look irri loh..
and their sales person was like............

there's this roller coaster inside
the time's damn big loh...
n it's juz a small part of the shoppin..
so can u imagine how big is
the shopping mall...

he said it was a bee????

is cheap n nice...

day view

night view from the hotel i stay...
(KL tower & twins tower)

the street below...

the KL tower...nice not...

this is the org pic..but can't see
my laopo i edit...

than can't see the tower behind..hahaha...

i really deeply in love with this
ice cream..why s'pore dun have...!!!!

dear love this bag alot...
spend so much effort in getting
this bag...nice right...
my stupid facebook is like so irritating
can...i was like juz 2 days neva open my mail..
n it floods me with 75 mails...
n i got like 569 other requests..???
i seriously dun know what to do with it loh...
i wanna go holiday again..again...!!!! i love KL...!!!!
i was kind of in love with this lyric...
飞机越过海面 划下微笑弧线就在一瞬间 你和我之间 相隔一个世纪般遥远幻想的时间 却带不走回忆里的画面你是此生最美的风景 让我心碎却如此着迷就算世界动荡 再绝望也有微笑的勇气你是此生最美的风景 才令我至今一再想起这样爱过一个人 是多幸福的事情ღ你的微笑是我在世界上看过最美的东西ღ