Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 9:34 PM

anyone know where can get
miffy's stuff...??

have been doing OT recently...
hope can get all my scanning
finished at the end of the month...

finally meet up with my dear..n..
YES..i'm going Vietnam on oct...

see her eyes...really very nice loh...
cute not..hahahha...恋爱兵法

juz watched finished a show...[恋爱兵法]
by vivian徐 & 金桢勋....
he's so cute..& vivian is so chio...hahha..
the song they sang together is very nice...
mixed korean n chinese..NICE...!!!!

bring my mummy go marina square
there to watch firework on national day..
so many ppl..faint...will upload the video soon...

seriously..i didn't anyhow go add ppl to increase
my friend amount...this is what happen when
i 4 days didn't log in...DON say i flirt hor...
not my fault loh...=x

will update more when i'm free...

ღ突然间 下起了雨
雨让我 好想好想你 想抱着你ღ



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