Went to watch
DEATH RACE juz now...
damn damn chio can...omg...
the story line is so unpredictable...
super exciting..n...
its fcuking violent loh..=x
this show really rocks...
the main lead so handsome also..hahaha...
my ah gui changed hair-style le..
cute not..hahaha..

they changed name to
i love the song OOXX...
nv sheng is nice too..haha..
seriously...I MISS MY DUDES.....
btw..HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all my sept
birthday de frens....
JOC -3rd sept
CRYSTAL -4th sept
HAO YI & REGINE -9th sept
PEIWEN - 11th sept
RENO -15th sept
SLYVIA -18th spet
不管爱情有多残忍,不管你笑我笨 ღ