I'm back....!!! hahaha..pls bear with my long entries
as i juz dump everything in this entries...
Ya..Happy New Year..!!! (advance de) lol
wa wa ji everywhere..

me at 白沙湾


new york new york

their song book got every
first line of the song

they got personal toilet in every KTV room

happen to see SHOW having his autograph
session at 西门丁

this is a very wonderful mountain
which can let u have a very good view
of taipei n take nice photo
of 101 tower [象山]
me n marcus

this photo is poorly edited due to
a horrible software

Yeah...see i managed to take
photo with my ah gui at taiwan..hahaha..
although is fake one lah...

modern toilet

my blue baby stitch.. i bought this
less than S$20...!!! see in mini toon
$20 can only buy super small one loh..
even smaller than my this stitch
de head loh...lol

look at this hp strip bear..does it looks
anything special to you? ..........
marcus bought it at TWD400 (S$20) !!!
simply becos he get CON....!!!!!!!

Rainie's Drink..lol..

isn't the crigg cute?

diff favor of crigg..
*i'll try to upload more photo when i'm more free...=p
My Company's D & D

invitation card

the boss of FMC

Jolin & yexin
"Eyes On Me"

Jolin with her banner & prize

me & Winnie
(isn't she tall..? hahah 178cm hor..
my tallest girl friend..=p)

swee ling.me & jolin

me & my office's 小老婆
-ye xin-

diff photo colour & quality due to diff camera..
all these photo was taken by 5 camera...=p

watched IP MAN on christmas day...
Only one word can describe
甄子丹 super super MAN...!!!!
After one month...My facebook finally can play le..
hahahhaha....i need to repeat again...
is ppl add me....NOT i flirt n anyhow add ppl huh...
i got proof de hor..=x

this is a very disgusting photo..
think the guy also not a decent one.....
currently got alot of new songs...very nice...
Ruby's 洋葱浓汤 & liang wen yin's 薄荷与指甲剪--CUTE...
Derick song also very nice----你走天桥我走地下道,
黄靖伦---慢半拍 & 缺席