Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 2:11 PM

Updated Post.

Happy Birthday Sylvia!!!!

Daddy said this is family
Daddy & His Wife =p
Cutie Sally
2 Surprise Cake For Daddy.
Made by Karon..

My Xiao Girl 21st Birthday
My Smallest & Second Daughter


Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 9:01 PM

Happy Birthday Reno !!!
(Btw,these pic are taken 2 or 3 yrs ago)

Happy Birthday GuGu...=p

I'm trying to be back to the happy me!
Jia you! Haha..
忘记你我做不到,但我会努力 =)

I'm so happy today!
I've finally passed my lame test.
& My laopo's present can be taken tomolo
instead of waiting for one week!
Trying to use fully of my 4 days leave.
But still ended up wasting it.Ha.

Went over to Karon's (My boss) house
on sunday for daddy's (Paul Woods) suprise
birthday party! Her house was so nice!
Omg, Got Jaccuzi in her room somemore!!!
Ha.Had great time gathering there.
Enjoyed alot.Very comfortable & feel so
warming to gather there.I really will miss them..
Have a few pic taken,will upload them up soon..


Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 12:08 PM

i Need To Have A Peaceful Mind

Went Marina Sq to watch
G-Force ytd with Marcus. (3D).Nice!

Watched Final Destination 4 last week
with Bi & Lester @ Cathay.
It was a treat by Lester.Thanks!!!

Ha.My KL Trip....

Me & My Girl...

Sitting The OtO Massage Chair
Ok.My 自恋photos...=x
With the Minnie Mouse Balloon tat i
bought from the night market.

My Cute Veron...
Their Neway is just so cheap...
He tried to be the spokesmen for the chewing gum
The Fake Da Vinci
Ha.This was a funny pic.
He wear tat to go canteen for breakfast.
Inside Pavilion
Veron @ LCCT
The Hotel We Stayed At.
-Prescott Inn Hotel-
It was clean,big,good location.

This Maju Junction seem to be a gd
shopping mall ah.Well...It's NOT!!!
Inside should be less than 30 shops
for the whole building???!!!

The Pavilion..Gosh..
It's so Nice!!!!
(Well,inside are all branded.)

The LV opposite Pavilion...
The Outside Street Of Pavilion
Sogo Department Store
Mid Valley
Actually the seats everythin is normal.
Just tat their announcement are mostly in
Btw.2 Way Tix just SGD $48.
So Happy to got this 态度 cap..


Crystal Jade
Neway K Meal
Secret Recipe
Girl said this was
This Mango Snowy is NICE!!!

7th Month Praying Ceremony

Me & Dearest Sabrina !!!!!!
Jocelyn.She was So Cute!!
Pamela =p
Leasing Team de Grace =)
RDM de Lucinda =]
RDM de Yuen =]
Grace & Sabrina
Pamela & Jocelyn
Sab & Pam
(They looks like sister right.)

Grace,Pam & Jocelyn
Group Photo
The Praying Scene.
(Look for me k.I'm actually in the pic.)

Da Vinci & Science Centre

My Dearest Aki's Birthday

The Breakfast for last Saturday Meeting.
All from Toastbox.
Bento Set.From Bentoexpress i think.
Can u spot bi & me?
Bi give me de Taurus Bear.
I Love It!

My official last day of work will be on the
25th Sept !!!
Leaving to Taiwan on the 7th Oct..
I got alot of ppl tat i can't bear to leave.
But 天下没有不散的宴席嘛。
I got lots of leaves to clear.
14~17 sept no work.Ask me out ya?
Save Me.! I Got a 意志不坚定的心.!




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